There are many reasons that an individual or business may find themselves dealing with the IRS. Some may have been randomly selected for an audit and must submit all necessary documentation. Others may need assistance paying back or eliminating their tax debt. Whatever the reason, dealing with the IRS can be stressful, time-consuming, and frustrating. The experts at Coggins Law can make the process easier. Regardless of the circumstances, when you are dealing with the IRS it is helpful to have a tax attorney on your side.
IRS Audits
One of the most common reasons that individuals and businesses must deal with the IRS is because of an audit. This process is essentially an intense and detailed look at the records and filings of those who were selected to ensure that everything is being filed properly.
Someone who has been selected for an audit will be notified by mail that they have been selected and given instructions for how to move forward. This process can be long and difficult, but a California tax attorney can offer insight, guidance, and peace of mind to clients who are being audited.
Tax Debts and Resolutions
Another reason that some people are involved with the IRS is because of outstanding tax debt. For some reason, they have been unable to pay their regular tax payments, and they have fallen behind. There are several resolutions that the IRS can offer, depending on the circumstances and the severity of the debt.
Some of the most common resolutions are:
- IRS Fresh Start Program – This program was put in place to assist people who have fallen behind on their taxes for the first time. For those with less than $50,000 worth of debt, this program offers payment plans and other methods to ensure that their debt is manageable and is paid back within six years.
- Payment Plans – There are options in place for those with significant tax debt so that they do not have to pay back the entire debt at one time. In many circumstances, there will be an opportunity to pay the full amount back in smaller installments over a period of time to ensure that the debt is paid.
- Bankruptcy – In more severe cases, some individuals or businesses will need to file for bankruptcy. If negotiations are unsuccessful and the debt still cannot be paid, then filing for bankruptcy may be the best course of action.
There are other tax resolution options available, so it is best to examine each one and determine what works best for each individual circumstance. Working with a California tax attorney can make the entire process easier.
How a California Tax Attorney Can Help
Dealing with the IRS can be difficult no matter the circumstances. The support and expertise of a tax attorney provide peace of mind and make the process easier to navigate. They are familiar with how the IRS functions, so they will approach each case in the most effective way. A tax attorney will also be up to date on any changes in regulations, so they can help ensure that their client is not paying too much because a small detail was overlooked. Finally, they are familiar with various IRS processes, which will help their clients be more aware of the process and ready to provide any necessary documents or records.
Q: How Much Is the IRS Fresh Start Program?
A: The IRS Fresh Start program does not cost anything for those involved in it. The program was put in place to help people catch up if they have fallen behind on tax payments. It is designed to make the debt more manageable and put payment plans in place to ensure that the debt is fully paid within six years.
Q: Is IRS Fresh Start Legitimate?
A: Yes, the IRS Fresh Start is a legitimate program offered by the IRS to assist individuals who have significant tax debt that they are unable to pay back. The program was started in 2011 as a way to provide assistance and support to individuals with tax debts that were manageable but they could not pay off at one time. It has been revised over time to be available to more taxpayers and has more repayment options. Fresh Start is primarily for first-time offenders and follows strict guidelines for who can use the service.
Q: Does the IRS Really Have a Fresh Start Program?
A: Yes, the IRS has a Fresh Start program. It started in 2011 as a way to help individuals who had fallen behind on their tax payments for the first time catch up and eliminate their debt. It has been revised and expanded over the years so that the program is available to a wider range of taxpayers. It is still geared toward those who have never fallen behind on tax payments in the past and are in need of additional assistance. It provides support and payment options so that the debt may be paid off within a matter of years.
Q: Why Do People Hire Lawyers When Dealing With the IRS?
A: It is not a requirement for anyone to hire an attorney when they are dealing with the IRS. It is possible to complete any interactions with the IRS without any legal help at all. For many people, however, having the support and guidance of an experienced tax attorney helps them to feel more confident as they deal with the IRS. A tax attorney is familiar with how the IRS functions, what may be required during the process, and how to approach the situation in a way that is efficient and effective.
Dealing with the IRS in any capacity can be stressful and overwhelming. Working with an experienced California tax attorney can provide peace of mind and resources to make it easier. They have the knowledge and expertise to help their clients approach any dealings with the IRS in a way that is professional and effective. If you are navigating an IRS-related situation contact Coggins Law for assistance.